Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Fizikas, matemātikas un optometrijas (FMOF) visu līmeņu studentiem ir iespēja pieteikties vasaras skolai "Physics Erasmus Summer School: Unveiling the secrets of matter and light" Valensijā, Spānijā, izmantojot ERASMUS īstermiņa mobilitāti.

Lai pieteiktos, jāiesniedz dokumenti Fizikas nodaļas ERASMUS koordinatoram Imantam Kaldrem līdz 2. jūnijam uz :

  1. Motivācijas vēstule

  2. CV

  3. Erasmus pieteikuma forma (Elektroniski parakstīta)

Physics Erasmus Summer School: Unveiling the secrets of matter and light

About the program

The program of this Summer School includes conferences, round tables, and several educational and leisure activities in an inclusive and participatory environment.

Participants will be able to take the opportunity to learn from invited lecturers in the fields of Optics and Optometry, Science of Vision, and Nuclear and Atomic Physics. They'll hear from researchers in related fields of physics. They'll also have time to present their contributions.

There will be lectures on various topics in modern physics delivered by an international faculty. This meeting aims to foster contacts between participants from different universities, both among students (promoting the different universities as potential destinations) and among professors (stimulating teaching exchange).


Participants will then be invited to do some individual and teamwork. Participation in the round tables, collaborative games, social activities, and multidisciplinary talks will contribute to tightening the links between the participants from different universities.

During the BIP program, some lectures will be delivered online while others will be conducted in-person. To deepen the understanding of certain topics, BIP participants will be divided into small working teams comprised of students from different universities. These teams will have to prepare compositions and presentations remotely after the physical mobility component of the program has ended.

