Mērķis. Starptautiskās, starpdisciplinārās 6 darba grupās izstrādāt attīstības priekšlikumus Turku pilsētas un Turku arhipelāga Somijā labākai integrācijai/fiziskai, kultūras u.c. sasaistei, balstoties uz analīzi, intervijām, kartēšanu, u.c.
Kursa valoda: angļu.
Dalībnieki. 36 studenti un docētāji no 3 universitātēm - Rīgas, Turku un Tartu un Urbānā institūta, Rīga
Kursa norise:
Kursa sagatavošanās posms septembrī Rīgā (08.09.; 14.09.; 28.09.).
Intensīvā kursa nedēļa Turku/Turku arhipelāgā Somijā 29.09. - 06.10.2018.
Nobeiguma posms Rīgā - gala ziņojuma izstrāde oktobrī ar noslēguma semināru 02.11.2018.
Ieguvumi: Jaunas zināšanas, pieredze strādājot starptautiskā vidē 3 dažādu augstskolu docētāju vadībā, uzlabotas plānošanas, stratēģiskās domāšanas, komunikācijas, angļu valodas u.c. prasmes, iegūti 6 krp..
Izdevumu nav. Studiju kursa izdevumus (transportu, nakšņošanu, ēšanu Turku) sedz Nordplus projekts.
Pieteikšanās: līdz 06.09. Telpiskās attīstības plānošanas studiju programmas direktoram Pēterim Šķiņķim un pasniedzējai Gunta Lukstiņai uz e-pastu gunta.lukstina@lu.lv.
Jautājumi/komunikācija - Gunta Lukstiņa, mob. 29188535
Attiecībā no pretendentu skaita iespējams konkurss.
Kursa īss apraksts angļu valodā.
The aim is to provide the students with theoretical and practical guidance on multidisciplinary planning practice put in use in a particular place. The hands-on approach enables the Master’s students to obtain new, but also put in practice their already acquired skills in defining urban problems and solutions – negotiating them in multi-disciplinary and multi-national groups. The course combines insight from urban planning, landscape architecture and urban policy. It focuses on approaches and solutions to urban regeneration in conformity with innovative ideas of city environment and contemporary approaches to urban planning. During the course, the students will learn to identify creative solutions and in order to foster development in a target city and its specific places, neighbourhoods and communities
The approach is practical: students are working with a real topic agreed with a municipality, aimed to contribute for its development. Through the course, public consultations and discussion with residents and other relevant actors are also undertaken. The pre-seminar, lectures, fieldwork, and workshops will supplement each other. The expected results are elaborated proposals, which take into consideration the development of particular places, their specific potential, and requirements for integrated solutions. In 2018, the topic will be to enhance the (physical, cultural, narrative etc.) connection between the central Turku and the adjacent archipelago. Benefitting from these distinctive natural surroundings is a strategic aim of the local municipality, but there are no agreed measures how the goal should be obtained. Rather there is a need for clever ideas and initiatives “how to”, which the student teams may deliver.