Iespēja piedalīties Teorētiskās Fizikas Katedras seminārā "What butterflies know about capillarity and wetting" (Ko tauriņi zina par kapilaritāti un slapināšanu – seminārs notiks angļu valodā), kur vadīs lektors: Prof. Kostya Kornev, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Clemson University Klemsona, Dienvidkarolīna, ASV. Seminārs notiks ceturtdien, 2018. gada 1. februārī pulksten 16:00, Latvijas Universitātes Fizikas un matemātikas fakultātes laboratoriju korpusa (Zeļļu iela 23) otrajā stāvā, F-213 telpā.

Īss referāta apraksts: The butterfly proboscis is a flexible fiber serving as a feeding device for almost 160,000 species of butterflies and moths. The proboscis can be considered as a micro and nanofluidic device with an extraordinary ability to probe, deliver, and sense different fluids. In this lecture, I will review the results of the last decade of research on the mechanisms of liquid acquisition by butterflies and moths revealing the specifics of capillary and wetting effects. The inherent structural features of the proboscis contradict the basic assumptions of the drinking-straw model. When the butterfly feeds from a pool of liquid the calculated pressure differential required for a suction pump to support flow along the entire proboscis is greater than 1 atmosphere. We discovered that behavioral strategies developed by butterflies and moths can resolve this paradoxical pressure anomaly. Using X-ray phase contrast imaging, high speed optical imaging and magnetic probes we were able to explain the complex mechanisms of food intake. Theoretical and experimental studies of wettability of complex shaped proboscises allowed one to understand the role of surface morphology in fluid handling by these animals. The lecture concludes by showing that the evolution and adaptive control of proboscis complexity leads to the butterfly diverse dietary with respect to the food viscosity, surface tension, and adhesion properties. This provides new clues to the diversity of butterflies and moths. Īsa referenta biogrāfija: Professor Kostya Kornev leads the Micro and Nanofluidics Systems Research Group in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at Clemson University, SC, USA. Dr. Kornev graduated with a PhD degree in Physics & Mathematics from Kazan State University (KSU) in Russia in 1988. From 1988 until 1990, he worked at the Institute of Mechanics and Mathematics at KSU. In 1990 he was invited to join the Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow. In 2000, he joined the Textile Research Institute in Princeton, NJ. He moved to Clemson University in 2006. Dr. Kornev's research interests include arthropod inspired materials, biomechanics of insect feeding, wetting and capillary phenomena, and magnetic materials. Vairāk par referentu:
