Trešdien, 1. novembrī, plkst. 10.00 visi interesenti laipni aicināti uz Accenture Mad Science atklāto lekciju, kurā uzstāsies Ziemeļrietumu Universitātes (ASV) profesors Deivids Jūtals (David Uttal). Uzstāšanās notiek 12. Starptautiskā kognitīvo zinātņu, loģikas un komunikācijas simpozija “Vizuāli telpisko prasmju ietekme uz mācīšanos” ietvaros.

Lekcija notiks LU Lielajā aulā.
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Plašāk par lekciju (angļu val.):

When, how, and why does spatial thinking matter in learning science and mathematics?

David H. Uttal
School of Education and Social Policy & Department of Psychology Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA The ability to visualize spatial rations plays a critically important role in the learning and practice of Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering (STEM).  Many critical insights in science, such as the structure of the DNA molecule, have involved the discovery of a new spatial structure (e.g., the double helix).  In my presentation, I will address two questions about the relation between spatial thinking and STEM education and performance.  The first is how and why spatial skills relate to STEM.   I will consider several possibilities.  For children, spatial skills facilitate understanding the number line and the relations among numbers.  For adolescents and young adults, spatial skills provide flexibility and "back up" strategies when verbal strategies are not sufficient.  Spatial skills are also critically important for understand the many different visual representations (e.g., graphs and charts) that are used in STEM education. The second question will be, "How can we improve spatial skills?".  I will consider the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of approaches, including training of core skills such as mental rotation, playing spatially-challenging videogames, and working with maps and other spatial representations to solve scientific problems.
