No 23. līdz 26. maijam plkst. 16:30-18:05 Datorikas fakultātes 16. auditorijā notiks Petrozavodskas Valsts universitātes (Krievijas Federācija, Karēlijas Republika) docenta Alekseja Varfolomejeva (Aleksey Varfolomeyev) atklātās lekcijas. Aicināti visi interesenti!

Plašāk par lekcijām (angļu val.): Aleksey Varfolomeyev, doc. at Petrozavodsk State university (Russian Federation, Republic of Karelia), will deliver 4 lectures on 23-26 May 16:30-18:05 in auditorium 16, main building of University of Latvia. Title: Ranking problems in information processing: mathematical foundations and applications Contents: 1. Singular Value Decomposition and Latent Semantic Indexing. Keyword-based Ranking of Documents. 2. Around PageRank. Link-based ranking of network nodes. 3. Distance-based Ranking of information objects. 4. Ranking in recommendation systems. Abstract: Lectures concernes the ranking problem as one of the key problem in information processing. It has clear mathematical foundations and raises in different IT applications such as search engines, recommendation systems, data and knowledge bases etc. The lectures will touch on algebraic and probabilistic foundations of ranking methods, PageRank, HITS, and SALSA algorithms, distance mesures for information objects classification, ranking in recommendation system.
