The patrons of the Foundation of the University of Latvia are divided into six different levels: supporters, bronze, silver, gold, platinum and diamond patrons. These levels indicate how much money each of them has donated and what category they are currently in.

In 2022, a large group of new patrons have both joined the LU Foundation and upgraded categories, from lower to higher levels. In total, 25 patrons joined and upgraded during last year.

At the Supporter level (from 1,000 euros to 7,000 euros) 13 patrons have joined:

  • The municipality of Tukuma donated 6400 euros to support the scholarship of the municipality of Engure.
  • The student corporation "DAUGAVIETE" donated 3,000 euros to support Ukrainian students at the University of Latvia.
  • Gunta Sandmayer donated 2,600 dollars to support the "Ceļamaize Rēzekne" scholarship.
  • NJ Media donated 1,800 euros to the Business Incubator of the University of Latvia.
  • The municipality of Valka donated 1,500 euros to support the Valka county scholarship.
  • Ēriks Kalniņš donated 1,380 euros to support the publishing of the book "Latvian and US Relations in 1918-1922"
  • "FITA" donated 1,000 euros to the Excellence Award.
  • E. Lune and partners donated 2100 euros to the Business Incubator of the University of Latvia.
  • Una Riekstiņa donated a total of 1,300 euros to support scholarships.
  • "Spectrum" donated 1,500 euros to support the "Ceļamaize" scholarship.
  • "RODL&PARTNER LEGAL" donated 1,500 euros to the Price Media Law Moot Court Competition.
  • Ilze Bleka-Udre donated 2,500 euros to the Gustava Zemgala memorial scholarship.
  • The Latvian Wood Industry Federation "Latvijas Kokrūpniecības federācja donated 1,000 euros to support the Excellence Award.

At the Bronze level (from 7,001 euros to 29,999 euros) 7 patrons have joined:

  • MADARA Cosmetics donated 10,000 euros to the Botanical Garden of the University of Latvia for the revitalization of the Linden tree alley.
  • VB Genum donated 10,000 euros to the Botanical Garden of the University of Latvia.
  • The American Latvian Association donated a total of 10,600 euros to the American Latvian Song Festival exhibition and the publishing of the book "Latvian and US Relations in 1918-1922".
  • "Dagi" has donated a total of 8,000 euros to support scholarships.
  • Dayla Christopher donated 16,600 euros to the football school METTA.
  • Filips Kļaviņš donated a total of 9,500 euros in memory of J. V. Kļaviņš to support oncology projects.
  • Andris Zoltners donated 26,000 euros to support the development of the mathematics branch at the University of Latvia.

At the Silver level (from €30,000 to €139,999), 3 patrons have joined:

  • LMT Retail & Logistics donated a total of 30,850 euros to the Business Incubator of the University of Latvia.
  • Grigory Luchanskiy has donated a total of 50,000 euros to support the development of the Botanical Garden of the University of Latvia and the rhododendron garden "Babīte".
  • Delphi donated 30,000 euros to the "Delfi" scholarship

At the Gold level (from EUR 140,000 to EUR 999,999), 1 patron has raised his position from the silver level:

  • The municipality of Jelgava donated a total of 155,000 euros to support students with scholarships.

We are so very thankful to all patrons for their support!

Since 2004, the Foundation of the University of Latvia has been providing patrons and cooperation partners the opportunity to invest in the future of Latvia, supporting both the University of Latvia and other leading Latvian universities. The priorities of the LU Foundation are to support the best students and researchers, as well as the projects and researches led by them, to promote the creation of a modern learning environment, and to ensure the construction and renovation of university buildings.


UL Foundation has recieved big donation

UL Foundation has recieved big donation

Physics students will be able to apply for a new scholarship this autumn

Physics students will be able to apply for a new scholarship this autumn

Zigmund Orlowski: Effect of soil fungi on plant immunity and disease resistance

Zigmund Orlowski: Effect of soil fungi on plant immunity and disease resistance

UL Foundation stipendiaries are meeting patron P. A. Ragaušs

UL Foundation stipendiaries are meeting patron P. A. Ragaušs

Perception of modality diversity and valence

Perception of modality diversity and valence

Voluntary work of UL Foundation scholarship holders in the UL Museum

Voluntary work of UL Foundation scholarship holders in the UL Museum