Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Eksakto zinātņu un tehnoloģiju fakultātes (EZTF) Uztveres un kognitīvo sistēmu laboratorija aicina uz lekciju par mākslīgā intelekta lomu augstākajā izglītībā. Lekciju vadīs Chrysanthi Melanou no Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Vācijā.

Introduction to AI (Theoretical and Technical Perspectives) (Target audience: students) 

Monday, 16.12., 16:30 -18:00, Room 12, Computing Dept., 19 Raina boulev. 


Criteria for the use of AI in Higher Education & AI Competencies (Target audience: educators) 

Tuesday, 17.12., 16:30-18:00, Room 14, Computing Dept., 19 Raina boulev. 


AI in scientific writing (Target audience: students) 

Wednesday, 18.12., 14:30-16:00, Room 14, Computing Dept., 19 Raina boulev. 


AI for educators (Target audience: educators) 

Thursday, 19.12., 14:30-16:00, Room 14, Computing Dept., 19 Raina boulev. 


About the lecturer: 

Chrysanthi Melanou is a researcher specializing in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Higher Education at the University of Education Freiburg and a Research Associate at DHBW (Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University, Germany). With a strong background in Computational Linguistics, Chrysanthi’s work focuses on implementing AI and digital tools in educational settings, where she has coordinated projects on AI-supported learning, including AI interfaces and chatbots to enhance student learning and support. Chrysanthi has teaching experience, including lectures on AI literacy, AI & scientific writing, and AI skills development for educators and students. Her research explores AI's role in higher education, including studies on chatbot effectiveness as a learning aid within Learning Management Systems. 
