The opening plenary session of Faculty of Science and Technology “Earth's magnetic field and its research” will take place online on January 23 at 10.00 a.m. It will be dedicated to the memory of the Latvian scientist Agris Gailītis (1935-2024). The session will be opened by acting vice-dean for research Sandris Lācis. Linards Goldšteins and Artūrs Brēkis, the leading researchers of the Institute of Physics, will introduce with a Riga Dinamo experiment, which took place under the leadership of physicist Agris Gailītis in 1999. The topic will be continued by the leading researcher of the Department of Geology, Jānis Karušs, as well as the researcher of the Laser Center, Reinis Lazda. A discussion is planned at the end of the event.
All sectional sessions are open to everyone interested and will take place in various formats: onsite, onsite with the opportunity to participate or follow on-line, and only on-line.
Registration and sectional meeting programs are available on the website: conferences.lu.lv/category/157/
Calendar: conferences.lu.lv/category/157/calendar