"Programming with delight" (Latvian "Programmējam ar prieku") is a project supported by the University of Latvia Foundation and the patron "Mikrotīkls". It is implemented by Ivars Driķis, assistant professor and researcher at the University of Latvia Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry, creating a teaching aid for learning basic programming principles. 100 copies of the study material have been created during the implementation of the project. The complete set of teaching aids consists of a microcomputer, various modules and wires.
What is the purpose?
The practical outcome of the project is focused on educating pupils and students, and improving their skills. The produced didactic material will be used in the acquisition of the course "Computers and Software I" (DatZ1140) of Part A of the bachelor's study programme "Physics" implemented at the University of Latvia Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry. It will also be available in the UL Science Library. The didactic materials "Programming with delight" ("Programmējam ar prieku") have already been tested by the participants of the "IR New Technologies School" and the School of Young Physicists, as well as the participants of the Latvian Programmers' Days.
What are the reasons?
The construction of any electronic device requires specialists who are well versed in both electronics and programming. Such specialists are in great demand in the labour market and the need for them is growing. Consequently, the course "Computers and Software 1" of the bachelor’s study programme "Physics" was improved by including Arduino programming, which ensures the acquisition of both programming and electronics. In preparation of the course content, it was found that the market lacked suitable electronic modules for training, and thus materialised the idea to make them.
How was it done?
After the course was taught and completed, teaching aids were prepared at the product level, as well as a sufficient number of work sets were made to enable students to work not only in classes but also independently. This coincided with the competition for projects announced by the UL Foundation and financed by SIA "Mikrotīkls".
You can read more about the creation of the project in the blog of the project implementer Ivars Driķis.
Who accomplished it?
The author of the project is Ivars Driķis, a leading researcher and assistant professor at the University of Latvia Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry. He holds a doctorate received for his studies of numerical modelling of the dynamic of magnetic fluid labyrinthine pattern. Currently he is more involved in image processing and electronic equipment development and manufacturing for research laboratory.
How to use it?
You can read more about the application and use of the teaching aid in the informative materials prepared by the author – From the LED to the symbol (No mirdzdiodes līdz simbolam) | Fixed switches (Fiksētie slēdži) | Lots of LEDs (Ļoti daudz mirdzdiožu).
The project is funded by a donation of 8800 EUR from SIA "Mikrotīkls".
"Programming with delight" at the UL House of Science Library
Like any book which benefits the study process, "Programming with delight" is also available at the UL House of Science Library upon presenting a valid UL student card. To test the new programming experience provided by "Programming with delight", students can visit UL House of Science Library on weekdays 10:00–18:00, on Saturdays 9:00–17:00 and ask the librarian about receiving the "Programming with delight" box.
Information on the toolkit is also available in the middies Union Catalogue of the libraries of national importance.

SIA "Mikrotīkls" is a developer of MikroTik RouterOS software and a manufacturer of RouterBoard equipment. The company's goal is to provide a wide range of users with powerful, easy-to-use computer network management tools. SIA "Mikrotīkls" customers are Internet service providers, companies and individual users who need to supply data routing, firewall, VPN, and other management functions in various wired and wireless computer networks. For more information about the company and its work, follow https://mikrotik.com/.
Mikrotīkls Ltd. has been a patron of the University of Latvia since 2011. The total amount of the donation exceeds 2 million euros.
Since 2004, the University of Latvia Foundation has provided an opportunity for patrons and cooperation partners to support both the University of Latvia and other leading Latvian higher education institutions, thus investing in the future of Latvia. The priorities of the UL Foundation are to support outstanding, dedicated students and researchers, creation of a modern study environment, as well as construction and reconstruction of university buildings. More information about the projects supported by the UL Foundation can be found at the UL Foundation website.
The cooperation between the University of Latvia Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry and SIA "Mikrotīkls" has been reinforced by a cooperation agreement. The knowledge gained in the course described in the project will be very useful for future employees of SIA "Mikrotīkls".
Project presentation event
12.09.2019 | UL FPMO, Laboratory of Electronics | Photo: Toms Grīnbergs