13.02.2023 Optometrijas un redzes zinātnes nodaļas (ORZN) organizētajā Redzes zinātnes doktorantūras skolā ar promocijas darba priekšaizstāvēšanu angļu valodā uzstāsies zinātniskais asistents Mehrdad Naderi.


Application of the EEG Method to Study the Volumetric 3D Visual Perception

Dissertation aims to bring to light the application of the Electroencephalographic (EEG) method to study the volumetric three-dimensional (3D) visual perception. The study delves into the evaluation of a novel 3D display called the volumetric multiplanar display, focusing on depth perception. EEG is a useful tool, measuring the brain electrical activity with high temporal resolution and non-invasiveness. The EEG-based algorithm aims to assess depth perception objectively and visual ergonomics associated with the volumetric display. Given the novelty of this display, the research contributes valuable information about its interaction with the human visual system, addressing gaps in understanding visual ergonomic conditions and depth perception.

The brain activity recorded during the 3D visual task performance and then analysed by open-source toolbox EEGLAB 2022.1.0 connected to MATLAB R2020a. Event-Related Potential (ERP) and Power Spectral Density (PSD) were under peer inspections mostly at occipital and parietal area of the scalp in different study design.

The results revealed significant changes in the parietal area of the scalp across all study designs. Notably, the P3 component of Event-Related Potentials (ERPs) exhibited significant differences between volumetric 3D images and images displayed on 2D screen by applying anaglyph principle. Additionally, an asymmetry in brain activity between hemispheres was observed in anaglyph, but not in volumetric depth perception.

Power Spectral Density (PSD) analysis indicated significantly higher brain activity in anaglyph compared to volumetric depth perception. Further exploration of 2D flat screen and 3D perception on the volumetric display revealed a significantly higher P3 in 2D perception, with no difference in PSD. Moreover, the study of lighting conditions demonstrated that depth perception on the volumetric display was easier in scotopic conditions.

In conclusion, the dissertation established that EEG is a reliable tool for evaluating the interaction of the human visual system with new technological designs, offering valuable insights into neuroimaging and cognitive task evaluation. This research had implications for advancing knowledge in both neuroimaging and cognitive tasks, highlighting the potential of EEG in uncovering intricate details of human visual perception in response to innovative technological advancements.

Redzes zinātnes doktorantūras skolas nodarbība notiks tiešsaistē BBB platformā: https://bbb.lu.lv/b/dac-hsz-czp-gv7 

Nodarbībai jāpiesakās līdz 12. februārim, aizpildot anketu https://ej.uz/redzeszinatne1302 
