Prof. Bartosz Andrzej Grzybowski, Institute for Basic Science, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) , Ulsana, Koreja uzstāsies seminārā par tēmu From dynamic self-assembly to networked chemical systems.
No dinamiskas pašsakārtošanas līdz ķīmisko sistēmu tīkliem – seminārs notiks angļu valodā)
Īss pētījuma apraksts: In the past decade dynamic self-assembly has been demonstrated numerously showing how various types of components can be arranged into ordered structures thriving in non-equilibrium, steady states. At the same time, none of these dynamic assemblies has so far proven practically relevant. We argue that the formation of dynamic assemblies cannot be an end in itself – instead, we should think more ambitiously of using such assemblies as control elements of larger, networked systems directing sequences of chemical reactions or assembly tasks. Such networked systems would be inspired by biology but intended to operate in environments and conditions incompatible with living matter.
Prof. Grzybowski research interests include soft matter, dynamic self-assembly, nanoscience, and chemical networks. He is also an inventor of Chematica, software program that predicts chemical synthesis and was recently acquired by Merck.
Laiks un vieta: Seminārs notiks pirmdien,
2018. gada 18. jūnijā pulksten 14:30, Fizikas un matemātikas fakultātes laboratoriju korpusa (Zeļļu iela 23) otrajā stāvā,
F-213 telpā.