Latvijas Universitāte Datorikas fakultātes un LU Matemātikas un informātikas institūta personā uzņemta starptautiskajā organizācijā „Informatics Europe”

„Informatics Europe” sevi pozicionē šādi. Informatics Europe is the association of computer science departments of universities and research laboratories, public and private, in Europe and neighbouring areas. The mission of Informatics Europe is to foster the development of quality research and teaching in information and computer sciences, also known as Informatics. Informatics Europe was created as a result of the first two European Computer Science Summits (ECSS), held at ETH Zurich in October 2005 and October 2006, where heads of computer science departments from all over the European region joined forces for the first time to define and promote common policies and study common issues. Informatics Europe is a nonprofit membership organization; members are organizations such as computer science departments of universities as well as public or private research laboratories. Informatics Europe maintains close ties with other academic and professional organizations.
The aims of Informatics Europe are:
·         To act as the representative of the European Computer Science (Informatics) research and education community. ·         To foster high-quality research in the field. ·         To keep improving the quality of computer science teaching. ·         To help the public understand the contribution of computer science to economic development and the scientific challenges of the discipline. ·         To foster the cooperation between education, research and industry. ·         To establish effective relations between the computer science community and governmental authorities. ·         To provide links to other national and international organizations with complementary aims.  „Informatics Europe” ir iniciējusi EQANIE (European Quality Assurance Network for Informatics Education) ar mērķi vērtēt augstskolu datorikas programmas un pozitīva vērtējuma gadījumā piešķirt Eiropas Informātikas kvalitātes zīmi (Euro-Inf Quality Label). „informatics Europe” rīko ikgadējas konferences par datorikas augstākās izglītības problēmām, kā arī ir nolēmusi nākotnē vērtēt gan datorikas fakultātes, gan datorikas institūtus.   Pašlaik „Informatics Europe” ir 53 augstskolas no 17 valstīm. No Baltijas valstīm - vēl tikai Viļņas Universitāte.   Vairāk par „Informatics Europe” skat. . Vairāk par EQANIE skat. Prof. Juris Borzovs ir vienīgais austrumeiropietis no astoņiem EQANIE Akreditācijas komitejas biedriem.
