"Mikrotīkls", patron of the University of Latvia (UL) foundation, will provide a total of more than 800,000 EUR of financial support to help researchers in the fields of natural, technological and medical sciences to purchase the necessary equipment. The provided support will allow researchers to develop further enhancements more productively in the field of science. A total of 9 projects will receive support, reaching a total of 842,884 EUR.
Funded equipment:
- Improving the zebrafish laboratory - a platform for breeding zebrafish and introducing experimental models (110,000 EUR), goal: to improve the UL zebrafish laboratory with a larger, fully automated fish breeding system and a microscope system that would allow experimental manipulations in zebrafish and facilitate the development of diverse fish models that would facilitate the transfer of knowledge from the laboratory to the clinic. Dr. Vadims Parfejevs;
- Possibilities of using the thermography method in determining the effectiveness of anaesthesia (11,128 EUR), goal: using a thermography camera to increase the safety of patients in Latvian clinics so that it would be possible to compare the number of successful cases of various peripheral nerve blocks before starting the operation. Assoc. prof. Aleksejs Miščuks;
- Equipment for research into innovative applications of radionuclides in medicine and energy (EUR 75,000), goal: to create an appropriate infrastructure for research into applications of radionuclides in medicine and energy. Leading researcher Elīna Pajuste;
- Angle-dependent magnetotransport for the characterization of quantum properties of innovative materials and nanoelectronic devices (EUR 33,473), goal: the project aims to create new opportunities for excellent research on quantum materials and nanoelectronic devices by equipping the available closed-loop cryostat with a rotator-type sample holder. At low temperatures, the behaviour of electrons is determined by quantum interference, but the magnetic field changes the conditions of this interference. The equipment purchased with the support of the project will open the possibility of measuring the dependence of electrical properties on the direction of the magnetic field, thus obtaining unique scientific information and evidence for the quantum functionality of materials and devices created in Latvia. Leading researcher Gunta Kunakova;
- Renewal of the scanning infrared laser infrastructure (113,508 EUR), goal: to replace the non-functioning, i.e. sapphire laser with a new and more powerful model. Leading researcher Florians Gābauers;
- Simultaneous purchase of a thermal analysis device and a portable tritium monitor for radiation chemistry and radiochemistry research (150,000 EUR), purpose: purchase of a simultaneous thermal analysis device and a portable tritium monitor for the needs of radiation chemistry and radiochemistry research. Dr. chem. Artūrs Zariņš;
- Purchase of the live cell analyzer system Incucyte S3 for conducting high-level cell biology research (314,600 EUR), purpose: purchase of a high-level live cell analysis system and start of functional use of the cleanroom to promote the growth of the already existing UL scientific capacity, research publicity opportunities, student training in biotechnology studies and new international project application opportunities. Leading expert Mārtiņš Borodušķis;
- Provision of permanent big data storage of the computing cluster (21,175 EUR), purpose: to offer the users of the UL computing centre the opportunity to store large amounts of data for a long time and to conduct high-throughput research. Researcher Jurijs Ješkins;
- Purchase of laser welding equipment (14,000 EUR), purpose: purchase of laser welding equipment, with the plan to carry out research work, studying the effect of various electromagnetic effects on laser welding of various materials. Leading researcher Imants Kaldre.
Congratulations to all winners!
About the University of Latvia Foundation
Since 2004, it has provided patrons and cooperation partners with the opportunity to invest in Latvia's future, supporting both UL and other leading Latvian universities. The priorities of the UL Foundation are to support the best students, researchers and the projects and research they lead, to promote the creation of a modern learning environment, as well as to ensure the construction and reconstruction of university buildings.
About the patron "Mikrotīkls"
UL Foundation's platinum patron SIA "Mikrotīkls" is a company that develops MikroTik RouterOS software and manufactures RouterBoard equipment with the aim of providing affordable, powerful and easy-to-use computer network management tools to a wide range of users. SIA "Mikrotīkls" has been a patron of the University of Latvia since 2011.