LMT President Juris Binde, speaking at the 4th World Congress of Latvian Scientists at the forum «Formula of Latvia 2050». Photo: Toms Grīnbergs, UL Department of Communication and Innovation, 2018.

Innovation is at the core of the company’s activities. The first telecommunications service provider in Latvia, “Latvian Mobile Telephone” (LMT), has been supporting the University of Latvia (UL) since 2007 by donating to science projects and providing support to conferences and forums.

LMT – a long-time patron of the UL Foundation and its steadfast partner – has continuously sought the latest ideas, technologies, solutions and applications since its foundation in 1992. Furthermore, LMT has been investing in the future, supporting and promoting research and development of the learning environment at the University of Latvia. Company’s values are enthusiasm, development, cooperation.

Currently, LMT is the leader in the Latvian market of telecommunications and communication environment. The origins of LMT date back to 1919, along with the innovations in electrical engineering, when the VEF (State Electrical Engineering Factory) started its work in Riga. Subsequently, at the time of the factory closure, the intellectual core of the factory united to start working in the sector of telecommunications. That was the beginning of a promising era of mobile communications in Latvia.

Since 2017, LMT Group companies have made a significant contribution to the forum cycle "Formula of Latvia 2050. Development Scenarios". In early 2018, the University of Latvia Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, in collaboration with LMT, presented the jointly created unique research platform for real-time economic data analysis. A new revolutionary milestone in the company's continuing development was laid in July 2019, when 5G Internet coverage was activated on the LMT network. At the same time, the first 5G router to be manufactured in Latvia, was presented. In cooperation with LMT, the new product will be developed by “MikroTik” – the most generous patron of the UL Foundation in recent years, Latvia's most successful and globally recognized technology company.

LMT President and Chairman of the Board, Dr.oec. Juris Binde received a PhD in Business Administration from the University of Latvia in 2007. J. Binde is also the chair of the UL Council Convention. The CEO emphasizes the importance of philanthropy in the development of higher education.

Why do you think it is important to support higher education?

Undoubtedly, education increases competitiveness. Moreover, those, who have attended university, are much more open to new ideas and look at things more broadly. Albert Einstein said: “we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” University studies broaden horizons and enable resolution of challenges by completely different methods.

Why is it important to donate to UL, its projects and the most talented students?

I have a very personal relationship with the UL. At the University of Latvia, I received my PhD in business administration, therefore this university will always be special to me. In terms of support to universities in general, the idea that business is about generating common good and benefits is becoming increasingly popular in the business environment, because only a company that helps the society to develop and fulfils its needs can succeed in the long term. In pursuing new achievements, a knowledgeable and confident employee is an invaluable resource for every business, therefore we support the university’s talented and aspiring students. Significant technology transformations will continue in the upcoming years, and it is important for us to have new employees and specialists to help maintain and develop LMT, as well as other Latvian companies in the field of innovation.

What cooperation with the UL and UL Foundation have you implemented to date?

We have established very close cooperation with the University of Latvia. Together, we have organized “UL and LMT Computer Science Days”, implemented programmes for young scientists, supported the World Congress of Latvian Scientists and launched many other beautiful initiatives.


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