Head: prof. Svetlana Asmuss

E-mail: svetlana.asmuss@lu.lv

Address: UL Academic Centre, House of Science, Jelgavas iela 3, Rīga, LV-1004

The Department of Mathematics provides the bachelor's, master's and doctoral level of the academic mathematics study programme, as well as the professional bachelor's study programme "Mathematician Statistician". The department consists of three Chairs.

Head: associated professor Sergejs Smirnovs

E-mail: sergejs.smirnovs@lu.lv

Research and study directions: mathematical modelling of natural, technological and social processes, numerical methods for solving problems of obtained partial and ordinary differential equations, qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations and difference equations.

Head: professor Ingrīda Uļjane

Email: ingrida.uljane@lu.lv

The chair provides and develops the professional bachelor’s study programme "Mathematician Statistician". Research and study directions: algebra, topology, phase structures, approximation theory, discrete mathematics, functional analysis, probability theory and mathematical statistics, combinatorial geometry, discrete dynamical systems.

Head: docent Raivis Bēts

E-mail: raivis.bets@lu.lv

Research and study directions: modern elementary mathematics and mathematical didactics, numerical methods, function theory, combinatorics on words, cryptography.


The Department of Mathematics includes one laboratory.

Head: professor Jānis Valeinis

E-mail: janis.valeinis@lu.lv 

The Statistical Research and Data Analysis Laboratory was established in 2017 with the aim of providing advice to students and staff of the University on issues related to statistical methods and their applications. The laboratory is also involved in research and teaching at the University of Latvia.

The Statistical Research and Data Analysis Laboratory is also open for collaboration with other research projects.

The Laboratory provides the following services:

Statistical modelling:

  • Classical statistical methods - hypothesis testing, tests, ANOVA, regression models, time series analysis, etc.
  • Multivariate analysis methods and data mining
  • Application and development of specialised models - risk models, customer behaviour and segmentation models, etc.
  • Independent evaluation of models and results

Research design and methodology (methodological support in research design and publication, especially in life and medical sciences):

  • Sample surveys, choice of methods, power analysis
  • Selection of statistical methods for non-standard situations
  • Summarising and interpreting results

Training and consultancy (more information on the content of the consultancy and how to apply):

  • Statistics
  • Data analysis methods
  • R, SPSS and other statistical software

Development of business intelligence tools:

  • Data processing
  • Interactive visualisations
  • KPI and risk dashboards

Website: statistics.lu.lv  


Other units in the Department:

University of Latvia A. Liepa’s Correspondence Mathematics School (Latvijas Universitātes A. Liepas Neklātienes Matemātikas Skola, NMS) is a structural unit of the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Latvia. NMS has been established to implement academic work and research – education of students and teachers, development of teaching aids for in-depth study of mathematics and scientific research.

NMS organises face-to-face educational events – "The Little University of Mathematics" ("Mazā matemātikas universitāte"), lessons for the excellence teams and mathematics’ club "Little dot" ("Punktiņš"), thereby encompassing the pupils of all ages and providing an opportunity to acquire various topics of mathematics, most of which are not included in general secondary education syllabus of mathematics, as well as training the pupils for mathematical Olympics and competitions of various levels. Remotely, the pupils can take part in the regional mathematical contest "So Much or … How Much?" ("Tik vai… Cik?"), "The Young Mathematicians’ Contest" ("Jauno matemātiķu konkurss"), and "The Professor Littledigit’s Club" ("Profesora Cipariņa klubs") to test their knowledge and compere with peers from all over Latvia.

The Open Mathematical Olympiad is an initiative of the NMS, and thus the NMS team is in charge of all the matters pertaining to its organisation. The first Open Mathematical Olympiad took place in 1974 and was attended by 316 participants, while in recent years this number has grown to about 3400 pupils of Latvia.

NMS in cooperation with the National Centre for Education of the Republic of Latvia organises three stages of the National Mathematical Olympiad for the pupils of the 5th to the 12th class. Excellence team of pupils benefit from NMS lessons to prepare for various international competitions, such as the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO), and the Baltic Way ("Baltijas Ceļš") team competition.

NMS actively contributes to science and research in the field of mathematics education and modern elementary mathematics, developing research on topics related to the acquisition of mathematics in schools, as well as organising conferences and congresses.
