
Associate professor Jānis Karušs
Lietvede, metodiķe
Studijas ģeoloģijas nodaļā
Latvijas Universitātes Eksakto zinātņu un tehnoloģiju fakultātes Ģeoloģijas nodaļa nodrošina akadēmiskās studiju programmas bakalaura, maģistra un doktora līmenī:
- Bakalaura studiju programma Ģeoloģija (Programmas direktors asoc. prof. Māris Krievāns)
- Maģistra studiju programma Ģeoloģija (Programmas direktors asoc. prof. Ģirts Stinkulis)
- Doktora studiju programma Dabaszinātnes (Ģeoloģija) (Programmas direktore prof. Zaiga Krišjāne)
The Department of Geology focuses on various lines of research that deepen the understanding of the Earth's structure and resources. The department deals with sedimentology and vertebrate palaeontology of the Devonian period, studying fossils of ancient organisms and the formation of sedimentary rocks. Geophysical research helps to learn about the Earth's structure and processes using various physical methods. Polar research focuses on the study of the Arctic and Antarctic regions, where the processes of climate and ice change are studied. Mineral geology focuses on the exploration and sustainable use of resources. Groundwater research focuses on the study of water resources and their protection. These lines of research contribute to the understanding of the natural resources and processes that shape our planet's environment.
Ģeoloģijas nodaļas sastāvā ietilpst sešas pētnieku grupas un studiju un pētniecības atbalsta vienības.