Vadītāja p.i.
Asociētais profesors Māris Bērziņš
Vecākā metodiķe
The Department of Geography conducts extensive and diverse research, covering several important directions. It studies the effects of climate and water on the environment, as well as issues of aerobiology and phenology. Research is also carried out in the field of soil and biota, analyzing aspects of soil composition and biological diversity. The department explores landscape and cultural geography, as well as population geography and migration processes. Special attention is paid to the study of population and geographical mobility, territorial management and planning. Research also includes changes in the glacial subglacial, marl, and postglacial environments in a historical perspective, as well as processes of sediment accumulation and relief formation.
The department deals with the spatio-temporal changes of the Holocene natural environment by analyzing the evidence of lake and marsh sediments, and promotes the development of integrated spatial and data analysis methods. Together, these studies contribute to the understanding of the interaction between nature and man, as well as environmental changes over time.
The geography department consists of seven laboratories.
Grupā ietilpst Augsnes fizikālās izpētes laboratorija, Atmosfēras procesu un aerobioloģijas laboratorija, Ģeotelpisko pētījumu laboratorija, Teritoriju attīstības plānošanas studiju un pētniecības atbalsta laboratorija.