We invite you to the remote seminar: Bernard Foing "EarthMoonMars missions, instruments, space photonics, laboratory and field tests, astronauts training, innovation and business"
Abstract: I will describe some research highlights from the International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) towards the colonization of Moon and the exploration of Mars. I will also discuss “EuroMoonMars”. This is an ILEWG programme in collaboration with space agencies, academia, universities and research institutions and industries. The programme includes research activities for data analysis, instruments tests and development, field tests of MoonMars analogues, pilot projects , training and hands-on workshops and outreach activities. Extreme environments on Earth often provide similar terrain conditions to sites on the Moon and Mars. I will also briefly describe the work of the Earth Space Innovation EMMESI academy and EuroSpaceHub/GreenSpaceHub partners that are contributing to MoonMars and space missions, Field Research, Astronautics and Entrepreneurship.
The seminar is realized within ERDF project No. "ERA Chair in Astrophysics, Instrumentation, Ground Segment Technologies and Space Photonics at the University of Latvia".
Zoom link for access: https://zoom.us/j/97419913654?pwd=QjVUY21ja0FXRStYZ3ZYZlptSkFJQT09
Meeting ID: 974 1991 3654, Passcode: 420982